Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is mandatory in nearly every state in the US.  By taking to the road, you assume a financial responsibility for your fellow drivers, and it’s your auto insurance that provides an essential shield in the event of an accident. Your insurance allows you to travel with protection, no matter what comes your way.

State law requires that all drivers carry certain coverage minimums. Failure to maintain active coverage can result in steep fines. Worse still, if the lack of coverage is discovered because of an accident, you may face these traffic citations in addition to the already burdensome medical and collision expenses. In the State of California, the minimum coverage amounts are as follows:

  • Bodily Injury Liability Coverage: $15,000 per person / $30,000 per accident minimum
  • Property Damage Liability Coverage: $5,000 minimum
  • Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Coverage: $15,000 per person / $30,000 per accident minimum
  • Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Coverage: $3,500 minimum

It’s important to remember that the amounts listed above are simply the legal minimums. Unfortunately, many California accidents can wind up costing far more than the minimums, leaving drivers personally responsible. California is a shared fault state, which means that you will be held liable for your portion of any damages caused in your accident. If you owe damages in excess of your insurance coverage, your personal assets may be seized, making auto insurance a crucial element to protecting your financial future.

What does auto insurance cover?

In general, auto insurance provides three basic coverages. While each policy is different, you can expect to receive bodily injury liability coverage, property damage liability coverage and uninsured motorist coverage. Providers typically differ among whether they provide property damage coverage for the uninsured drivers involved in the incident.

The underlying principle of auto insurance is that it provides a means for accident victims to recover their losses. Whether you spend every day in bumper to bumper traffic or whether you just use your car for errands, auto insurance protects you, wherever the roads may take you.

Why do I need an auto insurance broker?

From the ads on television to the billboards we pass every day, auto insurance providers generally market directly to consumers. While many people are content to seek out their own auto insurance options, they may be missing out on extensive savings. Selecting a policy represents a significant investment of time. Each provider asks that you fill out a form for an automated quote, forcing you to provide contact information to dozens of automated systems. These quotes evaluate your estimated payments based on your responses to broad questions about your driving history.

When you work with an insurance broker, we evaluate your needs first, before focusing on policy options. Every driver is different, and the brokers at Frankel & Associates get to know your needs before presenting you with policy options that are right for you. Your contact information and driving history is protected, and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have.

Ultimately, working with an insurance broker is likely to save you both time and money. Our focus is on obtaining the best coverage for your needs, not upselling an expensive package. We are not beholden to any company, which allows you to evaluate policies from multiple providers. With our exceptional customer service, finding an auto insurance plan has never been easier!